Our City Shaper Problem

The problem we are addressing is accessibility. People without accessible parking permits are parking in designated spots and blocking access to those who require them. This prevents people with disabilities and many seniors from leaving their homes, leading to isolation and immobility. We need a way to ensure accessible parking is available to those who need it.

Introducing CTRL-Z's SpotSaver!

Our solution will ensure access to parking that will lead to greater levels of physical activity and interaction with others, resulting in improved mental health and longevity. The SpotSaver features a camera located at the top of a post in front of the accessible parking spot to check for the presence of a valid permit. If detected, the SpotSaver will indicate this on a display screen and a green light will appear. If not detected, a message saying "No Valid Permit Detected", and a red flashing light will appear. If the unauthorized vehicle has not moved within 3 minutes, the camera will record the license plate and the owner of the vehicle will be fined.

Ctrl-Z's Pitch!

Ctrl-Z's SpotSaver Demonstration!

Ctrl-Z's Survey (Click to see Full Survey!)

We surveyed 75 adults and seniors in order to gauge how relevant our solution would be in the real world. From this survey, we found that a large majority of respondants had trouble finding accessible parking. These respondants stated that our innovative solution would benefit those who have trouble finding accessible parking, as it deters fraudulent use of these spots.

SpotSaver Source Code (Click to see Full Code!)

Manufacturing our Prototype

Examples Of Other Existing Solutions

Spot Saver Total Installed Cost Per Unit