Number of years participating in FLL
Contribution to Ctrl-Z
Favourite Team Moment
2 years
I share my ideas and building skills with the team I like playing baseball, basketball, and video games When I was building the base robot, encountered a problem and solved it
4 years
I bring my enthusiasm and smile to the team I like baking and reading Presenting our Skit at our School assembly
3 years
I bring my programming knowledge and public speaking to the team I love to dance, run, and listen to music Finally coming up with a project
1 year
I bring my creative ideas and building skills to the team I enjoy baking, reading, and skiing Practicing projecting my voice by screaming in the hallway
1 year
I bring my attention to detail in robot design to the team I like to read, do math problems, and swim When the robot started moving for the first time
4 years
I bring my dedication and passion for robotics to the team I like watching anime and playing ultimate frisbee Learning Python to program the EV3
2 years
I contribute my public speaking and research skills to the team I like to hangout with friends and play volleyball Performing a perfect run with the robot
2 years
I bring my building skills to the team I like to play hockey, spikeball, and to build LEGO Building the base robot
2 years
I bring my creative thinking to the team I like to hangout with friends, skiing, and running Working with my friends on the project