Currently used packaging void fillers, like bubble wrap, are less ecofriendly as they are made of plastics. Only 9% of discarded plastics get recycled and the remainder end up as pollution. We are not owners of this world, we are merely its stewards for future generations. We need to make sure that our packaging does not harm the planet.

Introducing Ctrl-Z's Z-Box!

The Z-Box is an integrated containerboard box liner that protects products of various sizes and shapes for shipping, while serving as an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional polystyrene and resin void fillers. The inner carton has adjustable interlocking precut arms, to safely encase the product during transport.

The item is placed securely in the Z-Box, then the locking arms of the inner container are secured to prevent any shifting within the box. The Z-Box is superior to current void fillers because it is easy to use, effective, and petroleum-free.

Ctrl-Z's Pitch!

Ctrl-Z's Z-Box Demonstration!

Ctrl-Z's Z-Box Drop Test!

Ctrl-Z's Survey

We surveyed 47 adults in order to gauge the demand for the Z-Box. From this survey, we found that a large majority of respondants had trouble finding accessible parking. These respondants stated that our innovative solution would benefit those who have trouble finding accessible parking, as it deters fraudulent use of these spots.

Z-Box TinkerCAD 3D Design Pictures

Building our Prototypes

Examples Of Other Existing Solutions

Assessment of Commercial Viability

Ctrl-Z received guidance from Atlantic Packaging Inc., concerning materials and technology to be used in the commercial version of the Z-Box. Ctrl-Z estimated the cost to produce the Z-Box, market demand volume and selling price per unit in developing base case financial projections for the Z-Box which provide strong indication that Z-Box can be a viable and profitable business.