Number of years participating in FLL
Role on Ctrl-Z
Favourite Team Moment
2 years
I bring my presentation and logical thinking skills to the team I like reading, biking, playing video games, and playing piano When we got our wind-up attachments working
2 years
I bring my programming and CAD skills to the team I like reading, piano, dance, and math My favourite team moment was when we completed our first robot run in under 2:30
2 years
I bring my presentation and programming skills to the team I like math, reading, playing video games, and playing piano My favourite team moment is when we completed our first robot runs with 4 drivers
2 years
I bring LEGO building and design, a LEGO CAD software, to the team I like to play Minecraft, read books, draw, and write books When the animation worked
1 year
I bring my presentation and research skills to the team I like baking, reading, playing soccer, and playing with my dog When we came up with our Innovation Project idea
1 year
I bring my fast thinking and in-depth answers to the team I like playing sports, video games, baking, math, and coding When we got a flawless robot run with a time of 2:10 prior to regionals
3 years
I bring my prior experience with FLL to the team I like playing basketball, computer science, math, video games, and cooking When we finished building our innovation project prototype