2022-2023 SUPERPOWERED Season

Preparing for the Kickoff
Group photo with school principals
FLL 2022 SUPERPOWERED season kickoff
Presenting to Grades 3-5
Presenting to a Boston Consulting Group Project Manager
Presenting at the FRC Ontario Provincials To 2000 People
Sharing with 2 book authors
Sharing with our two Western Edge alliance partners

Preparing for FLL Ontario 2022 SUPERPOWERED Season Kickoff

We spent the months of August and September preparing presentations and learning different coding languages for both EV3 and Spike Prime. We learned meaningful skills, such as learning how to give proper presentations.

Celebrating our School's 60th Anniversary With our School Principals

On September 25th, 2022 we were invited to our school's 60th anniversary. There we took a photo with the Current Principal and the former Principal.

Presenting at the FLL Ontario 2022 SUPERPOWERED Season Kickoff

On October 1, 2022 we presented to 305 people at the FLL 2022 SUPERPOWERED season kickoff. There we taught programming skills, both EV3 and Spike Prime. We also acted as ambassadors, introducing the other presenters to attendees.

Presenting to Grades 3-5

On December 2, 2022 we presented to 200 potential future FLLers during a school assembly of grade 3-5 students. There we presented our Innovation Project skit and taught them about the Z-Pipe. We also inspired many of them to join FLL and pursue STEM.

Presenting to a Boston Consulting Group Project Manager

On January 6, 2023 we presented our Innovation Project skit to Mr. Youssef Aroub and got his feedback.

Sharing our Robot and Project with over 2,000 Attendees at the FRC 2023 Ontario Provincial Championships

On April 8, 2023, Ctrl-Z Bayview Glen was invited to the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Provincial Championships held at the FirstOntario Center in Hamilton, ON. The event was an opportunity for us to share our robot and project to over 2,000 FRC participants, their families and friends.

Meeting with Debra Christmas, and Kelley Irwin

On April 30th, 2023, Ctrl-Z met with Debra Christmas, Senior Executive Partner for Gartner Canada, and Kelley Irwin, Chief Information Officer, Electrical Safety Authority, and founding partner of Women in Tech Tribe, for a feature in an upcoming book exploring women and girls in STEM. We shared our robot and project with them, and there were blown away by our project!

Sharing With Our Two Westen Edge Alliance Partners, Team 40049 Da Catbots and Team 57972 Artemis

On May 5th, 2023, Ctrl-Z met with team team 40049 Da Catbots and team 57972 Artemis. We disscused our innovation project, our robot and attachments, and our season. Through this meeting we were able to build friendships with amazing people that we would have otherwise not met. We can't wait to see them in Long Beach.