High-Level Strategy

For the last seven FLL seasons the team has taken the approach of designing, building and programming two separate robots. The robots each have different features, strengths and weaknesses. While the team strives to create robots which are as repeatable as possible, it recognizes that 100% repeatability is unachievable with a single robot given varying robot game table conditions, mat sizes, mat colours and light conditions. The two-robot approach provides the team with a diversified approach which reduces reliance on just one robot. As most tournaments consist of 3 rounds (and perhaps a "for fun" sudden death play-off), the team alternates robots over the course of a tournament. To adhere with the robot game rules, we make sure that only one micro controller is in the robot game competition area for any one match.

Robot and General Strategy

Zone Map

Analysis of Points Scored Per Second

Zone Missions Points Time in Base Before Mission (s) Robot Running Time (s) Total Mission Time (s) Clock at End of Mission Points per Second
Zone 1 Extraction 26 0 10 10 0min 10sec 2.60
Zone 2 Escape Velocity, Observatory, Food Production with Water, Cone Module 84 11 33 44 0min 54sec 1.91
Zone 3 Space Travel, Solar Panel Array (ours), Crater Crossing (Gate) 64 12 13 25 1min 19sec 2.56
Zone 4 Tube Module, Space Walk Emergency 38 9 8 17 1min 36sec 2.24
Zone 5 Satellite Orbits, Strength Bar, 3D Printer, Crater Crossing (Cross), Solar Panel Array (theirs) 100 13 33 46 2min 22sec 2.17
Total Space Travel, Solar Panel Array, Extraction, Space Station Modules, Escape Velocity, Observatory, Satellite Orbits, Food Production 312 45 97 142 2min 22sec 2.3