Number of years participating in FLL
Contribution to Ctrl-Z
Favourite Team Moment
1 year
I share my ideas and building skills with the team I like playing baseball, basketball, and videogames When I was building the base robot and encountered a problem and solved it
3 years
I bring my enthusiasm and smile to the team I like playing the trumpet and reading Teaching programming 101 and helping out at Steriling Hall School
2 years
I bring my open mind and public speaking to the team I love to write and listen to music Finally coming up with a project
4 years
I bring my knowledge of the robot to the team I enjoy reading, swimming, and discussing with people When we build attachments for the robot
6 years
I bring my innovative ideas and my programming knowledge I enjoy playing hockey, playing ultimate frisbee, and reading When I presented Programming 301 at the FLL Kickoff
3 years
I bring my dedication and passion to do robotics to the team I love video games, reading, and playing ultimate frisbee Meeting with Ryan Marciniak over a skype interview
1 year
I contribute my public speaking skills to the team I like to read and play volleyball Presenting Programming 101 at the FLL Kickoff