2015 Trash Trek Season

Ctrl-Z Promotes FLL and STEM at the Annual Robotics Hackathon
FLL Ontario Trash Trek Season Kick-off and Training Event
St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School Robotics Symposium
Mary Ward Catholic School Regional FLL Qualifying Tournament
Westview Centennial Secondary School Regional FLL Qualifying Tournament
Ctrl-Z Shares with the Packaging Community
PAC NEXT Congratulates Ctrl-Z for its Smart Sort Trash Bin Innovative Solution
Canada Fibers Congratulates Ctrl-Z for its Smart Sort Trash Bin Innovative Solution
CTV News at Noon Live Broadcast
FIRST Robotics Competition Cross Program Promotion
NASA's Space Apps Toronto Youth Program

Ctrl-Z Promotes FLL and STEM at Annual Robotics Hackathon

On Sunday, September 13, 2015, Ctrl-Z was invited to share its FLL experience at the 3rd annual "Get Your Bot On" Robotics Hackathon at the MaRs Discovery District. The 36-hour event focused on the design and prototyping of innovative ideas and solutions while working against the clock. The theme this year was "Healthy: People and Environments". In attendance, there were: 100 registered competitors, 20 mentors on-site, 3 age categories (Under 12, high secondary and post-secondary, industry professionals), and one robot that made tea (called teabot). The competing teams were encouraged to consider the concept of healthier people, homes, schools and workplaces in their designs. Ctrl-Z team members hosted an information booth about FIRST and educated those in attendance about FLL through demonstration of its innovative solution and its robot.

FLL Ontario Trash Trek Season Kick-off and Training Event

On Saturday, September 27, 2015, Ctrl-Z presented to many new and returning teams (over 220 attendees) at the FLL Trash Trek Season Kick-off and Training Event hosted at Bayview Glen School. There, the team refreshed and helped improve many enthusiasts' building, programming, and research skills. It shared various concepts, from introductory to advanced, to help other teams make the best of this year’s season.

St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School Robotics Symposium

On Saturday, October 31, 2015, Ctrl-Z shared its knowledge at a FLL Robotics Symposium, at St. Mildred's-Lightbourn School. It presented topics such as: programming, building, project, and the robot game. It offered workshops on a variety of topics and levels of difficulty so the attendees could maximize their learning.

Westview Centennial Secondary School Regional FLL Qualifying Tournament

On Saturday, November 28, 2015, Ctrl-Z volunteered at the Westview Centennial Secondary School regional qualifier. Team members served as score keepers, table resetters, and referees. This not only enabled them to gain a better understanding of the robot game rules, but also allowed team members to appreciate the roles of volunteers at our upcoming tournament on December 12th. As well, it was another chance to give back to the FLL community that has done so much for the team.

Mary Ward Catholic High School Regional FLL Qualifying Tournament

On Saturday, December 5, 2015, Ctrl-Z volunteered at the Mary Ward Catholic School Regional Qualifying Tournament. Team members served as table resetters, referees, score keepers, and more. The team was thrilled by the opportunity to help out other teams and give back to the FLL community which has done so much for it.

Ctrl-Z Shares with the Packaging Community

Here is a link to the PAC website article

PAC NEXT Congratulates Ctrl-Z for its Smart Sort Trash Bin Innovative Solution

Here is a link to the PAC NEXT website article

Canada Fibers Congratulates Ctrl-Z for its Smart Sort Trash Bin Innovative Solution

CTV News at Noon Live Broadcast

On Thursday, January 14th, 2016, Ctrl-Z was invited to present a live broadcast for CTV News at Noon. The team members displayed FLL's core values while sharing their research project, robot, and cheer with about 100,000 Toronto Viewers. Anwar Knight, the host of the show, interviewed the team about their Smart Sort Trash Bin.

FIRST Robotics Competition Cross Program Promotion

On Saturday, March 5, 2016, Ctrl-Z Bayview Glen was invited to the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Greater Toronto Central Regional tournament hosted by Ryerson University. The event was an opportunity for the FRC competitiors and fans to recognize Ctrl-Z for having recently won the FLL Ontario East Provincial Championship at UOIT and to send the team off to the 2016 FLL Razorback Invitational tournament at the University of Arkansas in May. While at Ryerson on Saturday, Ctrl-Z demonstrated its robot to an audience of about 3,000 in the historic Cathedral of Hockey, Mattamy Athletic Centre (former Maple Leaf Gardens). In addition, it shared its passion for its innovative solution, the Smart Sort Trash Bin, with interested adults and children of all ages. Following its demonstration, the team enjoyed courtside seats to watch the exciting FRC high school robotics matches.

NASA's Space Apps Toronto Youth Program

On Saturday, April 23, 2016, Ctrl-Z Bayview Glen volunteered to promote FIRST Robotics and STEM by demonstrating its robot and discussing its research project to an interested audience of about 100 visitors at NASA's Space Apps Toronto Youth Program hosted by HackerYou. The team is hopeful that that students will be inspired to join FLL and participate in the upcoming Animal Allies season. For more details concerning NASA's Space Apps Toronto Youth Program please click NASA's Space Apps Toronto Youth Program